Layzhoz Yeap, a professional photographer graduated from the University of Guelph, Canada is currently the member of PPA (Professional Photographers of America) and the LUCIE Foundation. Since 2008, she has won numerous world-renowned prestigious awards, including International Photography Awards IPA (USA); PX3 (France); Black and White Spider Awards; B&W Single Image Contest Awards (USA); "Point of View" (USA). She was selected as one of the few to qualify for the 2010 Silvershotz Folio by the international Journal of Fine Art Photography (Australia).
Her photography work entitled "Naive" was on the cover of B&W magazine – a Fine Art Photography Magazine (February 2009 issue). It was also the winning entry in B&W Single Image Contest 2009. At that same year, her portrait work on Henry Claude-Cousseau selected and included in Henry Claude-Cousseau's book launch: L'OEIL DES MOTS, in Paris. Year 2011 she launched her first photography book sponsored by Fujifilm, in conjunction to her solo exhibition "Defining Moments".
Her works were selected to exhibit in 14th International Architecture Exhibition Venice Biennale in 2014 and Expo Milano in 2015.
She is currently the vice president of CHTNetwork, the director (photography department) of One East Museum and chief photographer of EZ magazine.
For the past ten years, Layzhoz has worked on a wide spectrum of photography assignments worldwide. She continuously challenges herself to produce bold and breathtaking images, merging fine art and documentary work styles as one.
Some of her winning images are available at: